August 8th and 9th
On August 8th 1863, Governor Andrew Johnson, freed slaves in Tennessee Military Governor, who would later become the 17th president of the United States, freed enslaved people. It is a significant part of the History of Emancipation was not part of the Emancipation. and Freedom in the State of Tennessee. To this day they celebrate freedom on that date. Many undocumented immigrants have been in the United States for more than 30 years contributing to this great nation and helping it be the amazing country it is. Undocumented immigrants that live in the shadows afraid to go anywhere because they could be deported. This August 8th we are asking that we all unite and fight for our freedom from this modern slavery we are living in. FIGHT for our RIGHT to a STATUS. Our undocumented community deserves that. They have worked hard and paid taxes and contribute to our economy without even the right to work legally. Please help our undocumented community fight for a pathway to citizenship.
We are organizing a National March on August 8th to make U.S. Government hear our voice and on August 9th we will go on a General Strike. We will not consume or go to work that day. Together we will show our congressmen how important our undocumented community is to our economy. Together we will be able to prove how much our undocumented community contributes to this great nation. We are just asking that we are given the tools to be able to contribute even more.
We are looking for Leaders, Volunteers, and Participants in every state. Please help us in your state to raise our voices. Our undocumented community deserves to come out of the shadows!